Q: How is price determined?
A: Price is fetched from RetoSwap every minute.
Q: How are RetoSwap prices calculated?
A: When showing RetoSwap prices, the average over the past 24 hours is shown if available, otherwise the last traded price in the past week.
Q: Is it really precise to show a week-old price?
A: No. But until trades happens more often, it really is the best I can do.
Q: Will you add prices from Serai?
A: Yes, eventually.
Q: Will you add "your idea here"?
A: IDK, hit me up on twitter @kawaiicrypto and pitch it.
Q: Will you add more coins?
A: The only coin I will consider adding is wownero.
Q: What is your favorite anime?
A: How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?
Q: Do you have a donation address?
A: Yes, see bottom of page.